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Millions of residents across the state are plagued by the effects of poverty and aren’t able to afford basic necessities for both themselves and their families.

Despite the fact that poverty rates have declined within Texas, poverty continues to afflict Texans all over the state.

One such example of the hardships of poverty would be Marissa from Austin, Texas.

Marissa is a 19-year-old college student and a mother of two sons. Having dealt with the effects of poverty ever since she was a child, it had never been more of an issue than it is today.

Being a college student isn’t easy, it comes with many expenses–most are barely able to take care of themselves–but Marissa is also attempting to take care of her two children.

Working numerous jobs on top of attending her classes, her financial situation has caused Marissa to go to incredible lengths to purchase basic necessities for her family.

Unfortunately, Marissa's situation is not uncommon in Texas, particularly among single mothers, with nearly one in three living in poverty.

Several factors have contributed to this issue including a shortage of affordable housing, low-paying jobs, and inadequate social services. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the situation, causing many low-income employees to lose their jobs or have their hours reduced.

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Meet Wende, another struggling from poverty in Austin, Texas. Wende is a retired veteran that began to experience financial hardships after the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

For the first time in her life, she was forced to reach out for help at community centers as she dealt with this crisis. Wende is one of the millions of others experiencing the effects of poverty all throughout Texas, and it’s obvious that effort must be made to improve the lives of those struggling within our communities.

The stories of both Wende and Marissa show the trend of poverty within Texas–we as a society are responsible for addressing these issues before they spread.

There are various strategies that can be implemented to address poverty in Texas.

The most impactful? 

Toys for Texans is a nonprofit organization that works to alleviate the effects of poverty on the most important members of society, our children.

Completely run by students, we understand the importance of toys and books in the growing stages of our childhood and wish to provide these necessities to every impoverished child in Texas.



Poverty's a complex issue with far-reaching consequences for individuals and communities worldwide, especially within Texas. 

by Danny Nguyen

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