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Little Library Program

With over 30 units across low-income communities in North Texas, we've made it simple and easy to discover, interact, and find proof of our impact. Use our interactive map to find exactly where our libraries are located, and additional information.

Estimated impact of 8,000 people over the next 15 years. 


Our demographic has been picked out carefully with every unit, ensuring our libraries are placed in areas contributing the highest impact possible. Designed to withhold 200 books each – with even more refills in our inventory – our library program is set and ready to provide children access to literature for the next decade. 


Now, of course, none of this was cheap, so we kindly ask your company to sponsor a library today.

The Journey


As a small idea in January – just following the end of our Christmas program – our team began planning the basic outline. From the complex logistics to the architectural planning of our prototype, our idea was coming together.




Following several modifications and further planning, our finance team budgeted all expenses required and volunteers were called in – another 3 days were devoted to the build of all 30 units.  

Our prototype build took over 3 days of hard work, the first library fully constructed and planned by our dedicated executive team.



Finally. Finally, the moment we had been building towards for nearly 7 months (literally) was summarized into this last step. If you could imagine, it was not a simple task distributing 60-lb libraries to 30 districts hours away from our build-site. But we did it, only (and we mean only) possible because of our volunteers. 


Without a mission, we wouldn't be here today. And to those we help – the community, family, and individuals – we appreciate your kind words and support. Especially as students struggling through high-school stress and personal issues, the weekend refresher to go out into the city to fill up some libraries with an opportunity of meeting a few sweet souls on the way is all we could ask for. 


We appreciate you.

The people we impact

It's not over yet. 

Let's do the math – 30 libraries, 200 books each – that's 6,000 books for maximum impact!

Even with our strong supporters, partners, and drives, we are just barely off of our final number. Help us reach it today, and maybe exceed it too! 

With these many units comes a lot of responsibility. This is why we've created a maintenance team to ensure any and all donations made by you are well-kept and safe. 

8,737 / 6,000

Book Donations

We accept slightly used books. It's 6,000 just for the initial supply, but we're aware books can easily be stolen or damaged, meaning the more you can give the better.​

Sponsor a library

From construction, hardware, painting, marketing and more, this was not the easiest program to pull off. Please consider sponsoring our libraries.


Our brand sponsors will recieve all of the following benefits and perks. Keep in mind, we are always open to accommodating your needs.


  1. Social Media Post on all platforms

  2. Featured on Website 

  3. Name and Logo on 1 library

  4. Featured in 2023 Newsletter

  5. Logo and Name on all Email Marketing



Feeling generous? For $500. recieve a title sponsorship over one library. All perks from our $250 sponsorship will also follow through. 


Current Sponsors

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Help us further

With 1.7 million underprivileged children in Texas, we definitely need your help. Join our community and help us maintain these libraries for years to come.
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