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From long and stressful work weeks to issues with departments, each one of us has had our fair share of troubles and challenges.
Some may count it a loss that these trials must be faced, – and in some cases, it is true - yet it is these troubles that lend themselves to our favor, not only benefiting our character personally, but also teaching us as an organization how to inspire, lead, and reach new heights never imagined; indeed, it is these trials that show us, that yes, life is hard, but that with hard work, perseverance, and determination, we can accomplish anything.

Within our organization, we have had countless challenges come our way.
When we had originally started, there were no departments, roles, or vice presidents, and everyone played their own separate part. As a result of these inadequate management decisions, our organization was severely inflexible for future growth, though it seemed to function for a short period. However, when the inevitable soon began to occur, and additional people began to join
the organization, we realized that restructuring was necessary to manage our workforce. As the first departments were constructed and vice presidents were appointed, new problems arose. Some organizations struggled to stay caught up with their tasks, while others struggled to do anything at all.
Persevering through the trouble and getting used to the restructuring, we eventually overcame this obstacle and began to make progress.
Although we have constructed a useful and functional management structure, we still face challenges as an organization. Most non-profit organizations receive a tax exemption form from the IRS – a 501(c)(3). Many other organizations look for this as a prerequisite for partnerships, news features, etc. As a non-profit ourselves we sought to receive this, however, as of the writing of this article we have not yet obtained it. This has raised numerous
problems for us as an organization trying to spread our reach, as also mentioned above, it is a factor in other organizations being willing to partner with us. Even so, we still manage to function without it, holding events, fundraisers, and more.
With or without 501(c)(3) we will always continue to make a lasting difference in our community.
Although we continue to encounter problems, every day we strive to overcome them and become more productive. However, apart from challenges inside the organization, many of us face emotional blocks that prevent us from doing our best. Some of these struggles include stress due to the long and hard workweeks, anxiety before important events, and disappointment and regret when a fundraiser or a drive wasn’t as successful as we had hoped. Nevertheless, we always find ways to challenge the restrictions that we face head-on and move beyond our feelings. We can move beyond our stress by realizing that no matter how big the event, we can do something great. Likewise, we overcome our disappointments and regrets by realizing that no matter how small the gain or how little the funds are, it might still very well make a difference in one more child’s life. This, in the end, is our goal, and we must realize that although we are all humans, – with varying emotions and feelings – that it is worth pursuing.
We’ve come a long way since we first started, and we will continue to make lasting strides for our community, with each one of us doing our part. Although we are all part of this organization, we are also students with lives beyond the requirements of our work. Finding a balance between these has proved to be a difficult challenge for many of us, yet we all manage to do it. From smart management systems that spread tasks around, to tactical decisions to lessen the effort needed, we can lessen the work required and help people not only live their lives but benefit those of others. Returning to the latter point, however, we all must remember that we are students, with various responsibilities. Despite our academic pursuits, we must put effort into the organization, and we do this by removing the dichotomy that separates them. By making our organization an academic pursuit while also not staining the intentions of running it, we can maintain the fragile balance of our work and our school.

Not only have we grown in impact, but also in size, recruiting numerous people to our cause. Though focused on our tasks, each one of us is still a human being, and the friendly and social atmosphere in our community helps each one of us realize that.
Throughout our organization’s life, we’ve built relationships with each other that will last, built perseverance that will preserve us till then, and brought a smile to many a child.
It is said that life is a roller-coaster, and the life of our organization is no different.
by Joshua Vigel

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